Monday, June 29, 2009

Set Me Free

Do you ever get the feeling to just pick up and go? I want to pick up and go! I'm not sure where I want to go or where I should go, I just know that I need to. I don't even know if I want to visit people or just be by myself in a new place.

If you see me on the side of the road with my hand out because I ran out of money for gas, fill free to stop and take me wherever you're headed.

"Fly this girl as high as you can into the wild blue. Set me free, ohhh i pray!!!"

Friday, June 26, 2009

Just Dance

Music just gets to me. I was feeling down today and I found myself listening to Country Music... don't get me wrong I love my Country (thanks Mom) but I just don't need to be listening to it when I cant do anything but cry. You all know what I'm talking about, country music just makes us sappy. What I needed was a little Usher and some Chris Brown.

There is something about Usher that makes me just want to move. Usher puts a little passion back into my life. He can cut straight to the core. Watching this man move, gets you up off your feet.

God was thinking when he made this BeAuTiFuL Man!

Music is like the sound track of life

Back in a GREAT mood thanks to the sound track of life!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sunrise where have you gone?

     I was just thinking about how I have the luxury of watching the sunrise each morning but I never take advantage of it. God has given me something so beautiful to experience and I toss it away eevveerryyy morning. Sorry God! I will now put the past behind me and make the choice to watch the sunrise.. because God gives that beautiful gift to me. 

Friday, June 5, 2009

Lost and cant find your way home?

Last night I walked out of my parents house and found my dad staring at something. I asked him what was so interesting and he began to tell me about this driver who had to be drunk.

 My family lives super close to one another. My uncles live across from us up a big driveway and my grandma to the left of him. The drunk driver drove up my uncles driveway and turned around and drove down toward my grandma and grandpas house. He drove over my grandparents lawn then proceeded to another neighbors driveway. He continued to drive in an back out of what had to be 20 driveways. 

     I knew I needed to do something about this. My dad tried to talk me out of calling 911 and finally gave into me calling the Police. Well that number didn't work and I was going to be late for work, he told me to leave it alone and leave for work. I had already made the decision to do something about this so I got in my car and called 911 and told them the emergency. 

     I lost the suspect but knew the area he had to of been in... I knew if I circled the block I would soon find the truck backing out of someones driveway or swerving on the road. I ended up finding a cop and fallowed him till he found the drunk driver.  The 911 lady took the description I could give her and dispatched the police officer in front of me. Before I knew it I could see the truck in sight. As she was telling the police officer that the truck was in front of him the drunk driver drove onto the sidewalk. The police officer flipped on his lights. I got a good look at the suspect before I left for work. 

I got my ten minutes of feeling like a hero.  

I now want to be a 911 dispatcher when I grow up. :)

I considered  myself a good citizen. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

P.S. I love you

Why is it that I always find myself crying after a movie, TV show, and commercial for an ungodly amount of time? I know before I watch most of them that I will be a train wreck for the rest of the night/day. I just can't bring myself to not watch them. 

I will never forget the first time I watched The Note Book with the intern girls and Darren. I began my cry fest but I tried to hold it in... for everyone sake. Kate heard me waling in the inside and said Lacey just let it out. The moment she said it the loud crying started. Poor Darren had no idea how to handle the situation and to make it even better Kristen wanted to help me so bad but didn't know how. Kate knew what to do, just let me cry but Kristen kept asking me if I was okay and if I needed a hug. ha ohhhh Kristen I love you for that! 

For everyone that watches a sappy movie with me in the future .... just let me cry for about 45 minutes in the shower and I'll be fine. :)

P.S I love you is such a wonderful movie!! 
I will continue to watch the sad movies that move me. 


Friday, May 29, 2009

Another weekend away from home

This weekend will be spent in Spokane. It's been a good five months since I've seen my parents and a good year since I've spent time with my favorite aunt and uncle. I'm also pretty stoke to spend a weekend with my housemate and good friend Tiffany... Please keep her in mind as she has to spend a good two days with my biological/crazy family members, poor thing. 

Spokane Here We Come

Thursday, May 28, 2009