Friday, May 29, 2009

Another weekend away from home

This weekend will be spent in Spokane. It's been a good five months since I've seen my parents and a good year since I've spent time with my favorite aunt and uncle. I'm also pretty stoke to spend a weekend with my housemate and good friend Tiffany... Please keep her in mind as she has to spend a good two days with my biological/crazy family members, poor thing. 

Spokane Here We Come

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Blessing at my fingertips

I received a text message from Jim about a week ago asking me to think about being a Work Crew Boss third session at Washington Family Ranch. I thought about it for about two minuets and decided heck yes. Knowing how hard it is to get volunteers to step away from their jobs for a month to give back to these kids I jumped on this opportunity. Finding out this position would be in the Kitchen made it even more enticing. 

The next step was praying about it. Then the hard part came, asking for the time off of work. Some people may think asking for time off work is easy when its family you work for... I've got news... it's not. I already find myself asking for days off here and there for this and for that. A month is a long time to be gone from work and a long time to try and fill a night position. 
He's (my boss) thinking about letting me do this. :) 

Sorry family for being that employee that asks for a ungodly amount of time off, ALL THE TIME.

I then get this text from one of my most God seeking Work Crew girls. Courtney says Lacey they filled the WC Boss position but theirs a Head Leader spot open. 
At this point I'm thinking what everyone of you who has been in YL before is thinking.... no way are they going to let a 21 year old fill a Head Leader position. I though I should try to get to the bottom of this so i pick up my phone and call a source. She then begins to tell me how they had filled the WC Boss position AND THEN .... asks ME LACEY CRONIN to be a Head Leader! 

Freaking Awesome!

Now lets all bring our prayers together on this one. 

What a amazing opportunity this could be!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Joy of an old lady

You may search my time-worn face, 
You'll find a merry eye that twinkles. 
I am NOT an old lady 
Just a little girl with wrinkles! 
- Edythe E. Bregnard 

Everyday I'm thankful for the gift of working with old ladies ( let's not forget the only old man of the house whom I also enjoy) because they bring so much laughter into my life.  Working nights give me very minimal people contact but having a old lady make you laugh makes up for it. 

One thing I love about old ladies is they say and do anything whenever they please because they can, their old. 

Taking care of old people reminds me of taking care of small children.  I don't think you want me to go into great detail... I'll let your minds create their own images.

Things I love/crack me up about old ladies:

* Faking not knowing peoples names... "because it's fun"
*Getting up 15 times during the night to pee 
*Expelling intestinal gas whenever/wherever you please, not caring who is around 
*Creating ring butt from sitting on the John for long periods of time. 
*Falling Asleep on the John
*Eating snacks on the John
*Rocking yourself to sleep
*Hiding very needed items from staff such as Keys, because it's fun. 
*Riding your chair up and down up and down because "it's a fun RIDE".
*Saying Hi every time someone passes by because it's fun.
*Having to know what every meal of the day is first thing in the morning. 
*Pushing your call button to annoy staff/ tell them that you love them 80 times a day/night 
*Singing old hymns early in the morning.
*Taking a nap 30 Min's after you got up and ready for the day.
*Dreaming about everything you watched on TV that day and believing it's real life. 

It all boils down to one thing..... old people are wonderful!